基本信息 Information



作者陈欣 主编









Item 1 Meeting Guests 迎接客人 1
 Model 1 Meeting Guests at the Airport 接机服务 2
 Model 2 A Welcome Speech 欢迎词 6
 Model 3 On the Way to the Hotel 至饭店途中 9
 Model 4 China--a Country with an Ancient Civilization 中国——文明古国 14

Item 2 Hotel Check-in 饭店入住登记 19
 Model 1 Hotel Room Reservation 预订客房 20
 Model 2 Checking in 入住登记 24
 Model 3 Itinerary Planning 行程安排 28
 Model 4 Process of Hotel Guest Registration 基本入住登记程序 33

Item 3 Housekeeping Service 客房服务 37
 Model 1 Escorting the Guest into the Guest Room 陪送客人进房 38
 Model 2 Making up the Room 收拾房间 42
 Model 3 About Room Service Order 客房用餐服务 46
 Model 4 Hotels Today 今日酒店 50

Item 4 Food & Beverage Service 餐饮服务 55
 Model 1 Reserving a Table 预订餐桌 56
 Model 2 Food & Beverage Service 餐饮服务 60
 Model 3 The Payment 付款 65
 Model 4 The Chinese Food 中国饮食 69

Item 5 City Sightseeing and Transportation 都市观光和交通 75
 Model 1 City Tours 都市游 76
 Model 2 Car Rental Service 租车服务 80
 Model 3 Xikou 溪口 85

Item 6 The Service of Travel Destinations 旅游目的地服务 91
 Model 1 Narrations on Tour 沿途讲解 92
 Model 2 At the Ticket Box 在售票处 96
 Model 3 Asking the Way 问路 100
 Model 4 The Role of a Tour Guide 导游的职责 103

Item 7 Tour of Gardens 园林游览 107
 Model 1 A Trip to the Yuyuan Garden 游览豫园 108
 Model 2 Touring the Summer Palace 游览颐和园 113
 Model 3 The Four Elements in a Traditional Garden 园林四要素 118
 Model 4 Suzhou Gardens 苏州园林 123

Item 8 Tour of Mountains 山、水之旅 129
 Model 1 In Huangshan 黄山之旅 130
 Model 2 A Trip in Guilin 游览桂林 135
 Model 3 Huangguoshu Waterfall 黄果树瀑布 140
 Model 4 West Lake 西湖 143

Item 9 Tour of Temples 中国庙宇 149
 Model 1 Visiting the Jade Buddha Temple 游览玉佛寺 150
 Model 2 Visiting the Confucius Temple 孔子庙 155
 Model 3 Visiting the Wudang Mountain 游览武当山 160

Item 10 Tours of Historical Sites 名胜古迹之旅 165
 Model 1 A Tour of the Forbidden City 游览紫禁城 166
 Model 2 The Tour of the Great Wall 长城之旅 170
 Model 3 The Tianyi Pavilion Library 天一阁藏书楼 174

Item 11 Tour of Chinese Characteristic Culture 中国特色文化之旅 179
 Model 1 Tai Chi 太极拳 180
 Model 2 Spring Festival 春节 184
 Model 3 Peking Opera 京剧 188
 Model 4 China-Home of Tea 茶乡中国 192

Item 12 Shopping 旅游购物 197
 Model 1 Chinese Calligraphy 中国书法 198
 Model 2 Antiques and Ancient Furniture 古玩家具 202
 Model 3 Shopping Service 购物服务 206
 Model 4 Jade Culture 玉器文化 211

Item 13 Handling Problems & Emergencies 处理问题与紧急情况 215
 Model 1 A Delayed Flight 航班延误 216
 Model 2 Calling the First Aid Center 打电话到急救中心 219
 Model 3 First Aid Techniques 急救技术 223

Item 14 Handling Customer Complaints 顾客投诉处理服务 227
 Model 1 Complaining about the Food 食品投诉 228
 Model 2 A Tour Guide or a Shopping Guide 导游还是导购 231
 Model 3 A Complaint Letter on Holiday Booking 旅游预订投诉信 235

Item 15 Checking out 结账退房服务 239
 Model 1 Checking out 退房服务 240
 Model 2 Paying by Credit Card 信用卡付账 244
 Model 3 Paying with a Traveler’s Check 旅行支票付账 248
 Model 4 Checkout Service Procedures 退房结账程序 252

Item 16 Farewell, China 再见,中国 257
 Model 1 See you Again Soon 再见 258
 Model 2 Seeing Guests off at the Airport 机场送客 262
 Model 3 A Farewell Speech 欢送词 266

Appendix 1 The Eight Different Cooking Styles in China 中国八大菜系 271
Appendix 2 listening material 听力材料 273
References 参考文献 302

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