基本信息 Information

Coase on Law and Economics·科斯论法律经济学


作者[美]罗纳德·科斯 著, 王宁 编









Preface and Remembrance: Coase—the Man and His Work / Richard A. Epstein / 1
Introduction: Law in the Economy—The Coasean Law and Economics / Ning Wang / 12

Series I On the Problem of Social Cost / 001
The Federal Communications Commission and the Broadcasting Industry / 005
The Federal Communications Commission / 031
Testimony to the Federal Communications Commission / 085
The Problem of Social Cost / 092
Notes on the Problem of Social Cost / 151
Comment on Thomas W. Hazlett: Assigning Property Rights to Radio Spectrum Users
Why Did FCC License Auctions Take 67 Years? / 180

Series II The Market for Ideas / 185
The Market for Goods and the Market for Ideas / 187
Advertising and Free Speech / 199

Series III Empirical Study / 245
Payola in Radio and Television Broadcasting / 249
Blackmail / 327

Series IV History of Law and Economics / 351
Law and Economics and A. W. Brian Simpson / 353
Law and Economics At Chicago / 373
Law and Economics: A Personal Journey / 392

版权所有 © 北京大学出版社 北京大学音像出版社

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